When I was considering the name of my business, Soul Visits was at the top of the list. A specific inquiry kept knocking on the door of my heart, and it sounded like this: "When did you last pay a visit to your soul?" It wouldn't go away.
"Soul" has many meanings depending on the context, however, for me, it simply means the deepest part of me. My core. The me that is unconditioned and covered up by who and what I think I should be or am told I need to be; the me that is complete, whole, and good; and the me that is authentic and guided by unconditional love, acceptance, and sense of worth.
The inquiry itself felt like a warm invitation for exploration, growth, and understanding. It's an invitation that in my experience, not many of us are given, either by others or ourselves. To pay a visit to our Soul is to commit to being present for what's calling us. To pay a visit to our Soul is to remove the veil of what our culture often tells us is important or meaningful (i.e., 24-7 productivity, appearance, money). To pay a visit to our Soul is to step out of hiding, avoiding, and protecting, and step into truth, honesty, and clarity.
Making the time to visit your Soul can help you begin to understand who you are and why you do what you do; untangle the various patterns you find yourself getting stuck in; discern all the ways in which you got to where you are (and are not); get curious about why you think how you think and feel how you feel; and practice trusting your body and emotions. As a coach and therapist, but most importantly, a fellow human, I have seen how helping my clients access the language and voices of their Souls gives them the ability to move through life with a more free and flexible sense of confidence, belonging, and choice.
But Soul visits are not for everyone, let me be clear. They are for those of us who desire a life and relationships that feels engaged, wholehearted, intentional, and true. Living from a place of truth isn't often easy, nor is it convenient. Living from a place of truth demands that we have the capacity to hold multiple perspectives at once, and that can naturally feel heavy, sometimes burdensome. But I don't believe it's in our best interest to pursue easy, nor do I want a life that is easy. I want a life that is connected, committed, and curious.
If you're like me and so many of my clients, you will benefit from a Soul visit. You can use the prompts below as a starting point for your conversation.
Grab a journal and see what arises. You might choose to sit with one inquiry each week. Or if you're new to the practice of visiting yourself, pick one question to work within you for an entire month. Chew on it. Just notice and observe what bubbles up, without judgement. These self-visits are not one-and-done journeys. As you grow and change, you will uncover new insights.
What is asking to be known? (What have you consciously hidden or pretended wasn't there, to yourself or in your relationships?)
What feels most important to me right now...
I've been wanting to express how...
The emotion that I least like when it comes up inside of me...
I've been told that I should care about...
But what I really feel strongly about and value...
The ways that I have committed to these values...
The relationship I have with myself could be characterized by...
I'd like to show up differently for...
Ultimately I didn't end up naming my business Soul Visits. If you're here, you know my business is called Core Capacity. I chose the word core because it still represented to me, the innermost space within all of us, embedded in truth and fullness. Yet, I thought perhaps it would feel less ethereal and ambiguous. I'll never really know. What I do know is that in order to be able to meet the moments of our lives feeling resourced and resilient, we need to know ourselves. Just as with friendships that we desire to flourish, we must commit to making an effort within the relationship with have with ourselves.
Growing ourselves requires knowing ourselves. If you're curious about how I might help you to more fully show up in your life and understand who you are, please reach out. Email me to schedule a complimentary consultation: dr.koricoaching@gmail.com