Regain inner control, master your emotions, and get out of the black and white eating mindset so you can end the chaos of on-again, off-again dieting and food & body obsession! In as little as 16 weeks, you will learn the key tools necessary for staying in control of your emotions, in any situation, no matter how stressed, bored, exhausted, sad, or crazy you feel. In the Confident Coping Without Food System you will: 👉learn how to avoid the shit storm of shame that follows a binge or emotional overeating episode with the Feel Deeper to Feel Better Framework 👉 use the the Anti-Stress Eating Blueprint to understand the patterns of emotions and thoughts that lead to your frenzied eating episodes so you can develop specific strategies for feeling in control when you're spiraling 👉reveal your triggers and uncover your eating operating system with the Food & Body Freedom Assessment so you can identify the precise reasons for your current relationship with food and your body and show you how to work with them so you can move from chaos to confidence 👉debug your dieting mindset and uncover the barriers and limiting beliefs that have made you feel like you need to control food and your body with the Ditch the Diet Without Letting Your Health Go Framework 👉create your Effortless Eating Protocol so you can operate with more with more curiosity and consistency vs white-knuckled anxiety 👉reconnect with what's most important to you so you make choices for yourself & your family that are aligned with your values and goals with the Authenticity Alignment Toolkit 👉 activate the Master Mindless Eating Method to create a toolbox of practices for resourcing yourself when you experience emotions that you don't like and that drive you to eat mindlessly and shame your body 👉 open to a more nuanced understanding of health, detached from diet culture using the Unshakeable-Confidence-In-Your-Own-Skin Plan
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The Confident Coping Without Food System

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